Wednesday, October 9, 2013

scout camp

I'm talking when you get  in a car drive for five hours with annoying neighbor kids. Sleep in a tent freeze your but off, eat bad food,get bug bites and smell bad. But at the end of the week those neighbor kids are your brothers and you're really tired. One time we went to lake Powell. We were going back to camp and the ride back on the boat was the coolest thing ever. It was right after a storm and the sun was coming out and going down, the sky was pink the water was glass, and we were listening to music the whole ride. So if i only had a few months to live I would make sure I went on scout camp at least one more time.

1 comment:

  1. I love scouting. Got my Eagle even. Pain in the rear-end, but so worth it. They truly are brothers when it comes down to it. And I love the part when you are cold, but you sit by a fire and just heat right up. And then you bug mom with the smell of smoke when you get home!
    Grand Slam!
